

In its effort to expand its partnership with the global communities to advance knowledge sharing for quality education, Liceo U President Dr. Alain Marc P. Golez inked a Memorandum of Understanding with Mr. Austin Dinesh Joseph, the head of The International Institute of Knowledge Management (TIIKM). Facilitated by the Liceo Internationalization Office headed by Mr. Henry J. Abellanosa, the ceremonial signing of MoU took place at the Rodelsa Hall on June 21, 2023. Present to witness the ceremony were the University’s top officials.

The MoU has the two parties build a basis for collaboration along the following areas: academic mobility programs, organization of conferences and seminars, staff exchange program and visiting professor program, student exchange program, short-term study visits and training programs for students and staff, dual degree/joint degree program, and internship program, among others.

Based in Shri Lanka and in partnership with 350+ universities, TIIKM is a premiere research institute that provides researchers with platforms to showcase their work to the international community and contribute to the construction of a meaningful future. These platforms include international research conferences and research publications.

See the photos below:


By: Liceo Communications and Promotions