
Liceo U’s VP Opens the 22nd SEAAIR Annual Conference in Seoul

The South East Asian Association for Institutional Research (SEAAIR) opened its 22nd Annual Conference at Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) in Seoul, Korea, last Sept. 28-30, 2022. Dr. Ma. Florecilla C. Cinches, SEAAIR President and Vice President for Research, Extension, Planning, and Innovation of Liceo de Cagayan University, formally opened this year's conference with an inspirational message of gratitude to SKKU and the Local Organizing Committee for making the international conference possible.

SKKU President, Dr. Dong Ryeol Shin, expressed in his Welcome Speech his appreciation for the honor and opportunity of being one of the conduits of SEAAIR academic and cultural platforms in Asia. SKKU, the host of this year’s conference, is a 624-year-old university with the #99 QS World University Ranking.

SEAAIR is a 22-year-old professional association that advocates institutional research to improve educational institutions' understanding, planning, and operation by annually convening academics, researchers, and practitioners among ASEAN countries and the neighboring nations to disseminate institutional research findings. The organization publishes the Journal for Institutional Research (JIRSEA), indexed in Scopus database, as another arm for institutional research dissemination.   With China, Korea, and Taiwan's entry and key participation of institutions from Japan and Australia, the association has become SEAAIR Plus. Liceo U is an institutional member of SEAAIR.

This year’s three-day conference themed “New Normal Education: Transitioning, Transforming, and Technologies Agenda” was represented by seven South East Asian countries, including Australia, Korea, and Taiwan, with 50 papers read during the conference. The keynote speakers were Dr. Jong Chul Jung of Seoul National University of Science and Technology and Dr. Seyeoung Chun of Chungnam National University. The speakers in the plenary sessions, which highlighted institutional research in the new normal, were Dr. Teay Shawyun, Editor-in-Chief, JIRSEA; Dr. Sophia Shi-Huei Ho of the University of Taipei; and Dr. Giljae Lee of Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information, South Korea.

As part of its tradition, the SEAAIR Annual General Meeting (AGM) was held before the cultural tour, during which the Best Paper and two (2) Outstanding Papers were announced. The host for the 23rd Annual Conference in September 2023 will be the University of Malaya in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

By: Liceo Communications and Promotions