

On March 28, 2023, Liceo de Cagayan University and Northern Mindanao Medical Center inked a Memorandum of Agreement officially renewing the partnership between the two institutions for the clinical practice of Liceo U’s medical students. The MOA has the NMMC as the base hospital of the College of Medicine. Held at the University’s New Board Room, the MOA was signed by University President Dr. Alain Marc P. Golez and Medical Center Chief Dr. Jose C. Chan, FPOA, FPCS, MHA, FCHA. In his speech, Dr. Golez remarked that the signing of MOA is a significant step towards the realization of a shared vision for excellence in medical education and healthcare delivery in Northern Mindanao. He expressed confidence that the NMMC, with its state-of-the-arts facilities, experienced staff, and vast resources, will provide the University’s medical students with exemptional learning environment that will prepare them for a successful career in the medical field. He also said that the partnership will not only benefit the University’s medical students but also the entire community and the country. Dr. Chan, in his message, thanked Liceo U for establishing the College of Medicine, encouraging students in the region to pursue a medical career and to contribute to the nation’s health system. University top officials and a team of NMMC physicians were in attendance at the MOA Signing Ceremony.


By: Liceo Communications and Promotions