Pre-School/Grade School

Student Experience

Back to School Jumpstart Program

The Grade School Department of Liceo U conducted its annual Back to School Jumpstart to welcome the pupils to another school year. The three-day program featured fun activities, an introduction of the university administrators and the faculty, and a discussion of the school policies.

GPTA Elections

The Grade School elected a new set of GPTA officers for the new school year. The GPTA is established to build a strong partnership between parents and teachers. Led by the GPTA president, the teachers and the parents collaborated in the planning and implementation of different activities for student development.

LGSC Elections

New student leaders were chosen during the LGSC elections. Student Council officers are chosen every year to serve the student body.

Monthly Activities

The Grade School Department continues to hold different monthly activities despite the pandemic. These monthly activities promote academic awareness and excellence among students.

Leadership Training

The Grade School conducted a leadership training to equip the officers of the student body with leadership skills. The student officers participated in a lecture and several team building activities.

Student Recollection

Recollections promote a stronger sense of spirituality. The Grade School Department conducted an interactive student recollection, providing an avenue for reflection and strengthening of faith.

Liceo Meet

The Liceo Meet gave students a break from the academics, allowing them to have fun through various extracurricular activities like sports, fun games, and talent contests.

Christmas Party

Christmas Party has always been a part of students’ annual activities. In this time of the pandemic, the teachers in cooperation with the parents arranged for the students a virtual Christmas Party featuring games and gift-giving.

Founders’ Day Celebration

The Grade School Department celebrated the Founders’ Day in honor of the University’s founders who made possible the provision of quality education in the region. It was a month-long celebration that culminated with a showcase of talents among the graders. One highlight of the event was the presentation of cultural dances by the graders.

Family Day 2020

The Grade School celebrated its annual Family Day. The fun-packed celebration included a Salo-salo with the academic personnel and the families of students. The Grade School believes in the significance of the family in the holistic development of children.

Music Recital

The Grade School Department held a Music Recital to give the students the opportunity to develop self-confidence, which is an essential trait for holistic formation. Despite the challenge brought about by the pandemic, the graders were able to play their chosen musical masterpiece virtually.

Science Film Festival

The Science Film Festival is a celebration of science communication in Southeast Asia, South Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America. The holding of the event with the participation of local partners promotes science literacy and facilitates awareness of contemporary scientific, technological and environmental issues through international films and educational activities. The Science Film Festival presents scientific issues to a broad audience and demonstrates that science can be fun. The event has grown considerably since its first edition in 2005, becoming the largest event of its kind worldwide.

Singing Idol

Singing Idol is an annual showcase of singing prowess organized by the Cagayan de Oro Association of Private Elementary Schools (CAPES). This event brings students from different private schools to compete on stage. The Grade School representatives consistently won in this competition in the past few years.

Story Telling Activity

The Cagayan de Oro Association of Private Elementary Schools (CAPES) annually holds a storytelling competition. The competition tests students' creativity in delivering stories from their perspective. Storytelling is a unique way of developing children's understanding of emotions, allowing them to respect and appreciate people, animals, and things around them.

Scouting Program

Scouting is a year-round activity that culminates in October. The Scouting Program is a form of experiential learning where young boys and girls are encouraged to acquire practical knowledge and skills independently.

First Communion

The Liceo de Cagayan University upholds the spiritual formation of students through the reception of the holy sacraments as Roman Catholics. One sacrament that the graders received was the First Communion, thus marking a very special and holy day for them as Catholics.

Fire and Earthquake Drill

The University ensures the safety of students and personnel by developing their preparedness for fire and earthquake through drills, which are quarterly done.