
Policies & Guidelines

Borrowing Privileges

Periodical Section

The periodical section is the current “Information Powerhouse” through which information found in journals, magazines, newspapers, government publications, and other serial literature are found. These materials are available for inside reading only or may be borrowed for photocopying within the library.

Electronic journals can be accessed from any internet connection in or outside the campus. Students are allowed to search and download any articles.

The complete volumes of print periodicals are bound and arranged on shelves while loose issues are on the display shelves.
Audio-visual materials are for library and classroom instruction use only. Students may also avail of the audio-visual materials upon presenting a recommendation or note from their respective teachers to the IMC Librarian, subject to the approval of the Director of Libraries and IMC.

Multimedia/Internet Center

Students can link globally through the internet which offers a rich and rapid expanding storehouse of information for research works.

Viewing Room

It is a 50-seater room intended for viewing audio-visual materials. Reservation of this facility should be done 3 days prior to use at the Instructional Media Center by signing the reservation form. The form shall be signed by the faculty member, head of the department, and the Director of Libraries and IMC.

Archive Section

This section houses permanent records of the University such as administration profile, history, achievements, origin of the institution, and special collection like rare books, artifacts, pictures, and charts. These resources are strictly for library use.

Exhibit Room

Displays artwork of artists from the University and outside. Students, faculty members and institution outside the University who want to use the exhibit room should coordinate with the Director of Libraries and IMC.

Technical Services

This section involves the following: selection/acquisition, cataloging, indexing, bibliography, and binding.

Other Services

Newly Acquired Resources

The library publishes and distributes the list of newly acquired materials to the different departments. A copy is posted on the bulletin board as well as the online using Destiny Quest.

Library Instruction

The library offers orientation and instruction lectures to students and faculty members every beginning of the semester, and follow up through-out the school year in coordination with faculty members and library committee.

Suggestion Corner

The queries and suggestions of the faculty and students can be entertained personally or online help desk. All readers are given library URL in order to access the library materials and information using their mobile phone and laptop in or out campus.

Photocopy Services

A photocopy machine is available at the first floor from Mondays to Saturdays at 8:30 am to 7:00 pm.

Research Consultation Area

This space is for students and faculty members to establish a formal area to meet with the Reader’s Services Librarian and address in-depth research questions.

Charging Area

This area offers the library users free charging of gadgets with a maximum of one (1) hour per unit.

IT Support

Wi-Fi Services

Follow the wireless LAN setup and login procedure in the website to connect your notebook and mobile device to LiceoU Wi-Fi network. Register your electronic unit at the Liceonet Department.

Off-campus Access

Most e-resources can be accessed off-campus through the Liceo U Library URL using your Destiny system username and password. Create your personal account with library staff assistance or create on your own using your official barcode ID number or Last name.


Find quick tips and pathways of library materials through research guides on various subjects and topics to kick-start your research papers efficiently.


Learn how to make strategic and effective use of information resources by attending library seminars.

Discussion Room

The library provides a well-ventilated and comfortable space that serves as a venue for group discussion/presentation or for researchers to discuss and work together. It can accommodate a maximum of twenty-five (25) students.


Come up with any questions on using the library. The library can help you in the following ways:

Research Help Desk

Ask assistance in or outside campus using your unit library’s zoom meetings account.

Information Consultancy Service

Make an appointment with librarians for more in-depth library research assistance.